
Best ways to get organized this Fall.


Get organized for Fall 2021 with these tips from your favorite NJ Junk Removal Company - East Coast Junk Removal!


1. Get rid of things you didn't wear or use this summer. 

If you didn't wear it or use this summer don't bother to put it away! Donate it, recycle it or sell it. Don't let it take up space because you think you might use it again. Same goes with patio furniture or any other type of outdoor furniture you didn't use this summer. Let a junk removal service like East Coast Junk Removal to get rid of that old patio furniture you never used in a environmentally friendly way! Kids haven't used that old swing set or trampoline in a while? We can get rid of that kind of stuff too! Check out more information here! 


2. Put the rest of your summer stuff in storage. 

Now that you got rid of the rest of that junk put the rest of your summer clothes and gear in storage bins. Store them in your attic, basement or garage. If you need more room in your attic, basement or garage we can help with that too! We offer NJ attic clean outs, NJ basement clean outs, and NJ garage clean outs as well!

3. Get a jump start on the holidays. 

While you are already organizing and switching things around for the seasons make your holiday stuff more accessible as you are organizing. Make sure its within reach for the months coming ahead. When putting away all your summer stuff make sure that stuff is behind the holiday things you will need sooner than later.

 4. Declutter major rooms in your home. 

Deep cleaning and major decluttering should be done once a season. It will help you become more organized for your fall mornings whether it being getting the kids ready for school or getting ready for work. The less clutter means a happier more organized you!

5. As always make it fun!

Cleaning, organizing and getting ready for the fall season doesn't need to be stressful or hard. Make it a family affair, or have some friends over and ask if they want to help you pick out your fall wardrobe for the season. If you feel like taking on the project solo make one of your favorite fall coffee drinks like a pumpkin spice latte and put on some great music! You will be feeling excited to get organizing in no time!

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